Ansiao to Conimbriga is 32kms. Time to make up for the day before. Yet another day of rain, wine and negotiating swollen streams and mud. We stuck to the Camino route but when we met up with the Three Wise Men at Rabacal we discovered they had kept to the roads, a shorter and drier route,very wise indeed. When crossing a flooded stream I slipped and had an unexpected swim. With still about 4kms to go my best option was to race on ahead to our pilgrim hostel. Once again the Camino provided. At Conimbriga a lady at the museum gave me a ride. She obviously felt sorry for this very soggy kiwi. At least I got the hottest shower. Despite the rain and cold there were some interesting sights.
Ancient bridge. Abandoned castle. Nesting storks.
Exploring an old castle. Snack time in the shadow of a windmill. Yet another stteam crossing.
The little village church where I lit candles and said a prayer for our Chanel Centre family. A wayside shrine where we left an Anzac Poppy. Another shrine.
A welcome bowl of soup at Rabacal. A delicate flower that smells like Franjipani. Molly Moo and Constantine found a friend along the way.